Theom Design Website Development

Website Design Project For Theom Design

Client Overview

Client: Theom Design (by Menelaos Theodosiades)
Industry: Fashion
Location: Limassol, Cyprus

Theom Design, led by Menelaos Theodosiades, is a fashion brand based in Limassol, Cyprus. Specializing in unique and stylish fashion items such as dresses, earrings, and necklaces, Theom Design needed a modern and visually appealing website to showcase and sell their collections online.

Project Overview

Goals and Objectives:
The primary objective was to design and develop a modern, aesthetically pleasing website that would serve as both a portfolio for Theom’s collections and an online shop for their products. The target audience includes Theom Design’s followers and fans who wish to explore and purchase the brand’s collections online.

Design Process

We began the project by conducting thorough market research to analyze similar websites in the fashion industry. This informed the creation of various prototypes and design concepts. After collaborating with Theom Design to select the best concept, we focused on creating a user-friendly, fast-loading website that reflected Theom’s values and provided an excellent user experience.

Key Considerations:

  • The design needed to be simple, modern, and minimal.
  • Ensuring the website was fast-loading and provided a seamless user experience.
  • Reflecting the brand’s values and aesthetic throughout the site.

Technology and Tools

The main website was built using WordPress, with WooCommerce integrated to handle the online shop functionality. Customizations included fitting product pages to match the overall design, adding customer phone numbers to an SMS list via API, and implementing a custom discount and sale plugin.

Key Features:

  • Homepage: Highlighted Theom Design’s latest collections and brand story.
  • Product Pages: Customized to fit with the rest of the site’s design, ensuring a cohesive look.
  • User Interface: Simple, modern, and minimal with a mobile dropdown menu and floating cart button for enhanced mobile usability.
  • Security: Implemented Stripe for secure payments with 3D secure authentication and 256-bit encryption. Additional server-level security tools included firewalls and daily backups.

E-Shop Specifics

The e-shop aimed to provide an easy and user-friendly online purchasing experience. Features included a streamlined checkout process and automatic addition of customer phone numbers to an SMS list for updates and promotions.

Product Management:
The e-shop included a variety of fashion items such as dresses, earrings, and necklaces. Products were categorized effectively to enhance browsing and purchasing.

User Experience:
Key design elements included a mobile-friendly interface with a dropdown menu and floating cart button, making navigation and purchasing straightforward and enjoyable.

Marketing and Promotions:
Discount coupons (a native WooCommerce feature) and a custom discount and sale plugin were integrated to support marketing efforts. Product pages were SEO optimized to boost visibility.

Performance and Analytics:
Google Analytics was integrated to track the performance of the e-shop, providing insights into user behavior and sales metrics.

Collaboration and Feedback

We maintained continuous contact with Theom Design throughout the project, ensuring that both the design and functionality met their standards. Feedback was managed efficiently, allowing for smooth iterations and adjustments.

Outcomes and Impact

The new website significantly boosted Theom Design’s online presence and performance. The seamless integration of the e-shop enhanced the brand’s ability to sell products online, providing a better user experience for visitors and customers.

Client Feedback:
Theom Design was very satisfied with the new website, noting improvements in online engagement and sales. The website’s modern and user-friendly design effectively reflected the brand’s values and appealed to their target audience.

Future Plans

Visualizn Design Studio provides ongoing monthly maintenance to ensure the website and its plugins are up to date. This includes daily backups, security checks, and support for any issues that may arise.

Visualizn Design Studio is proud to have partnered with Theom Design on this project, delivering a website that meets and exceeds their expectations. Visit to see the live website.

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